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Friday 4 November 2016

The word for today

Rhapsody Of Realities
Friday, 4th November 2016..
Pastor Chris.
(Live The True Christian Life)

TO THE BIBLE; 2 Timothy 3:16
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


By the grace of God, I have read and even done case studies on a number of biblical characters. Granted, majority of them have been inspiring and edifying to me, but for few days now, the LORD, by His mercy, has given me unique inspiration, to do a case study on Joseph. Actually, I have been trying to crystallize and gel

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Question for today...

Why do you think he fired the watchman?

Do you think he is caring? Funny

Lol... who else thinks he is caring?

Pastor Benny Hinn says Catholics receive miracles every time during mass.

During one of his preaching the man of God explains why Catholics receive healing and miracles during mass which he said was because they understood the power behind breaking bread and eating the body of Christ which Jesus asks all christian to do always in remembrance of him.
Please watch video below and be blessed.

On The Road To I Do ( Day 7)

CLEAN UP (Part 4)… Pursue Love & Peace

As a single lady or gentleman who truly desires to be used by God as an instrument to draw others to Him and to build a quality home, certain things cannot just remain a part of you. As I have stressed since Day 1 of this series, as an individual, you matter in the building of your marriage and family.

70% Nigerian homes not peaceful – Marriage counsellor

A marriage counsellor, Mr Nasir Abdulquadri, says about 70 per cent homes in Nigeria are not peaceful due to couple’s lack of proper understanding of each other.

Abdulquadri made the assertion on Tuesday at a lecture on marriage organised by Muslim Youths Intellectual Forum in Ilorin.

He said most couples were lured into marriage unprepared for the challenges, urging youths to reposition their mindsets.

Abdulquadri also called on Nigerian leaders to urgently put in place marital counselling institutions to

Corpse found intact 2 years after it was buried

According to Facebook user who shared the news, he said her body was found the same way it was after 2years of death. Wow

Gospel singer Sinach on stage with pastor Benny Hinn

Award winning singer pictured on stage with Pastor Benny Hinn doing what she loves doing best. I was touched by this video please watch and be blessed after the cut.

Do you see masquerades in your dream? come in

Masquerade is the greatest prison in which many people live today. The war against masquerade is the one you must fight and win both physically and spiritually. The power of the masquerade has limiting, hindering and paralzing effects.

When masquerades appears in your dream, it shows you come from a family lineage where they

Evangelical Pastor Becomes New Mayor of Rio de Janeiro

A gospel-singing Christian is the new mayor of Brazil's second biggest city, Rio de Janeiro.

Marcelo Crivella, a prominent evangelical pastor, got 59 percent of the votes in a Sunday runoff election against Marcelo Freixo, a socialist state representative.

Analysts say Crivella's win is a sign of widespread frustration with the country's left-wing political

Nathaniel Bassey said Nigerians love titles, and big titles for that matter

Pastor and Gospel musician shared a message on his social media page earlier encouraging his followers while sharing the word of God with them. Read what he said after the cut

Iraqi Church holds first mass since ISIS take-over

Christians in the city of Qaraqosh, Iraq, were able to worship for the first time on Sunday since the take over of their land by the Islamic State in 2014, according to a Reuters report.

The mass, attended by dozens of Iraqi Christians, took place at the Church of Immaculate Conception.

The news comes as Iraqi troops and U.S.-led air and ground forces have been driving back the Sunni

Boy rides toy car into traffic.

Scary moments when a little boy was seen riding his toy car into traffic and sadly it was rush hour as shown by the clip. He was later rescued by a policeman. please watch video below

Monday 31 October 2016

Message from Frank Edwards

Let him with ears  listen to what Frank is saying.... lol

Pastor Sam Adeyemi under fire for tweeting this.

The man of God tweeted a while ago about mental illness being a sin, though he clarified himself in series of tweet but his followers would have non of it. they claimed he was teaching false messages which should be disregarded. Do you think he was misunderstood? read the comments below.

Is there really life after death?

I watched this video and thought to share. Please find time to watch and clear your doubt.

Six children born of same parents to be buried same day.

No one could tell how these children died but the burial arrangement and date has been slated for 5th November. This is a difficult time for their family but we pray that God heals them.
This is really sad.

 As shared on facebook.

18 Year old woman who has been tagged "face of hunger in Yemen"

As a brutal civil war stretches past its 19th month in Yemen, malnutrition is overwhelming millions in the Middle Eastern country, the poorest on the Arabian Peninsula. Many Yemenis have been displaced from their homes and food supplies coming into the country have been cut off because of the fighting, leading to dramatic food shortages and, in a word, famine. A staggering 14 million people — half of the country’s population — lack access to adequate food, Reuters reported this

Official photos from Benny Hinn's visit to Loveworld Ministries.

Miracle Healing and Impartation Service

On the road to i do: Clean up 3 (Day 6)

CLEAN UP (Part 3)… Pursue Righteousness & Faith

Apostle Paul gave Timothy 2 major requirements in that scripture we looked at (See day 5). He was admonished to flee and then to pursue (2 Timothy 2:22). It is not enough to flee from something, you must also pursue after something because whatever you flee from must be replaced. In 1 Timothy 6:11, Timothy was told there also to run from certain things and pursue righteousness and a godly

Man offered to donate kidney to a patient.

Sani Abdullahi, the 25-year-old who offered to donate his kidney to a patient, Isah Hamman, said the touching story of how Hamman lost his kidney necessitated the gesture.

Hamman had lost his kidney in July after surgery was carried out on him for abdominal pain by one Dr. Hassan Yakubu at a private clinic in Yola.

A panel of medical team set up by the Adamawa State Government to investigate the doctor involved

Its another monday, Praise the lord....

Its another week of favour, Blessing, Thanksliving, and goodness.

MEMORISE : Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them; for the Lord thy God he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. DEUTERONOMY 31 : 6.
READ: 2 CHRONICLES 32 : 7 - 8 :
7 Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:

Sunday 30 October 2016

Testimony Time: Muslim turned christian

I was born into the family of late Alhaji Ahmed Ali Negedu as Halimatu Sadiya A Negedu,my dad is a well known Alhaji @my place which is Ankpa local government area of Kogi state.

On this fateful day in the Year 2011,i was lying down in our parlor listening to joy fm when a

Eben calls Jahdiel his wife

The gospel musician couldn't hide his joy with the way Jahdiel ministered to souls with her music during Christ Embassy's programme featuring pastor Benny Hinn. Eben took to his instagram page to "Hail"his friend by calling him "wife" Lol..
He wrote

Husband of deaf and dumb woman strangles own children

Signs of end time?? sad

Thirty-five-year-old Thomas Matthew has told a horrific tale of how his father, who he claimed initiated him into an occult group, appeared to him and told him to sacrifice his children to him.

In response to the demand, Matthew strangled his two-month-old son, John Matthew and four-year-

Saturday 29 October 2016

Spend quality time with your children-RCCG urges mothers

Rekiya Iletu, the Provincial Coordinator in charge of the Children Church of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has urged mothers to spend quality time with their children. Iletu made the plea in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Saturday at the Musical Concert of the Lagos Province 15 of RCCG, Idi-Oro, Mushin, Lagos.

She said that sexual abuse was on the increase, adding that parents had the responsibility to educate their children on the dangers of sexual abuse. “The economy is tough, parents are busy trying to get means of livelihood for this same children that are being neglected. They should spend short but

Friday 28 October 2016

Watch video of a little baby trying to get down from his cot

Now this video is so funny.... Please watch

On The Road To 'I Do' (DAY 5 CLEAN UP (Part 2)..).


2 Corinthians 6:17 tells us this: “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”
Come out, and be separate! Be different! Be unique! Be fit for the Master’s use! Any stone that remains defiled will lack use. On any construction site, there are useful materials and waste materials. It’s the unfit/unusable materials that are

Tope Alabi receives award from New York state senate

The Gospel artiste shared these pictures online and wrote "i return the glory to you lord God for the proclamation award from NEW YORK STATE SENATE, i will not leave your path lord". 

Man Unites with 3 year old girl he saved during Hurricane kathrina

Air Force Sergeant meets the three-year-old girl he rescued from Hurricane Katrina a decade ago

For an Air Force Master Sgt. on a rescue mission during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a then three-year-old's hug helped him more than she could ever know.
Air Force Reserve Master Sgt. Mike Maroney rescued Morgan L'Shay Brown, now 13, and her family from the waters of New Orleans on what he describes as being one of the toughest times of his

Children accused of being witches rescued in Akwa Ibom state

Read the story according to Child's Right And Rehabilitation Network (CRARN);

Four female children were yesterday rescued by a good samaritan around 1:00 AM in the night. The children whose origins are yet to be identified said they were told in a prayer house that they were witches, an allegation which compelled their parent to abandoned in another prayers house which

Boy born with no brain defies expectation

What doctor says differs from what God is saying. Keep faith alive.

Noah Wall is 4 years old. His short life in Cumbria, England, has been made up of a series of overcoming obstacles and proving the experts wrong.

It started when his mother Shelly Wall was just three months pregnant with Noah. Doctors informed her and her husband Rob that their child was severely deformed; so much so, that they recommended

Boy who tried to save his sister from rapist killed.

Dominick Andujar, aged 6, heard his sister Amber's cries for help when she was attacked as she slept and raced to her aid but the attacker then turned on him and he paid with his life.

A six-year-old boy bravely gave his life to save his older sister from a twisted sex attacker who broke into their home.

Dominick Andujar heard his sister Amber's cries for help and raced to her aid allowing her to wriggle free but the attacker then turned on him and he paid with his life.

A Slab/Stone that once held the body of Christ unveiled

A stone slab believed to have once held the body of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion is being unveiled for the first time in centuries at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

For the first time in 200 years, experts began renovating the tomb supposed to have held the body of Christ. They also removed the marble that encased the slab since at least 1555, according to National

Man meets his Doppelganger on a plane

This looks scary to me or else how do you explain the resemblance?

Are they twins? or fake? may be they were separated from birth lol....

Nigeria's Senate proposes five-year jail term for randy lecturers

The Senate on Thursday passed a bill to outlaw sexual advances from lecturers to students of tertiary institutions in the country.

Any lecturer found guilty to have broken the law, when passed, will risk a maximum five-year jail term or N5m fine or both.

The Senate also abolished the “consent” defence claim by sexual assault and rape suspects, as

The word of God is life

And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward: (Exodus14:15).

Success in life is, largely, determined by our ability to defy temporary, contrary circumstances in other to achieve our set goals and objectives. Actually, what makes a man or woman stand out in the

Thursday 27 October 2016

LOL... Thou shall not tempt thyselves

Lol, Thy shall not tempt thyselves...

Question of the day

Let us learn to study the word of God with this quiz... God bless us

Meet the African boy featuring in most meme.

You have probably seen him in countless memes insinuating all sorts of things but the photo of the Ghanaian boy was taken during a charity programme by Chicago based artist, Solomon Adufah.

Jake Amo is the four-year-old boy whose image has become popular in memes and the award winning photographer, Carlos Cortes who took the image during Adufah’s visit to his home country, is not happy.

Testimony: Muslim woman dead for two days claimed Jesus brought her back to life

A Muslim woman converted to Christianity upon coming back to life after being pronounced dead for two days. Her children, mother, and niece joined her in her newly found faith in Christ. Today, her six daughters and a son have either become full-time ministers or are actively studying the Bible.

Muslim Woman Dead for Two Days Claims Jesus Brought Her Back to Life

Why did she convert from Islam to Christianity? A vision of Jesus bringing her back to life.

63-year-old Sabina is now an actively practicing Christian. She had been dead two days and lying in

Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

Finding the answer to this question has been an interesting journey in itself. I interviewed several people and then researched what many leading Christian writers, authors and spokesmen have written about the subject. I also searched various websites such as,, and to read what others might be saying.

Why are Kenyan churches and mosques turning yellow?

From the crowded streets of the Kibera slum to the steamy Mombasa coast, a peculiar trend has emerged across Kenya.

Mosques are changing their traditional green facades, churches ditching their typical modest hues and

The Journey To I Do Begins With You… YES YOU! (PART 4)

CLEAN UP (Part 1)

I’ll be referring often to Days 1-3 as we go along so please read up to ensure you are on board.

As a single lady or gentleman who is born again, remember that you are a living stone; so you are not supposed to be like any other individual out there. There is something unique about you. Ephesians

Having Sexual intercourse in the dream

1 Corinthians 6:18 says, “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.”  1 John 3:4 says, “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.”

To have sex in the dream is to establish a soul tie covenant with the spirit spouse. The favour of God

Quiet Time with the lord, Secret to daily spiritual growth

Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the room of his father Amaziah. And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper. (2Chron. 26:1, 5).

Quite time can be succinctly defined as a specific time that the individual believer devotes to

Christian Broadcasting Network says Christians are persecuted in Nigeria

Nigeria's middle belt region is a growing hotbed of Islamic terrorism where thousands of Christians are at risk.

Many of the states within the region are predominately Christian, who are easy targets for persecution.

"Christians are particularly targeted for persecution on account of their faith. They are uprooted from

Largest cathedral to be turned into a mosque says Turkish government.

A full-time imam will be appointed to Turkey’s Hagia Sophia, according to Turkish news sources.

The appointment is likely to be controversial, especially with the Greek government and those who fear Turkey is being “Islamised". In July, The Greek Foreign Minister called the reintroduction of Koran readings in Hagia Sophia, for the first time since 1935, “regressive". In response, the Turkish

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Pictorial story of how we must carry our cross daily

As human beings, we do not like to pass through any storm or tribulations. We want to have everything easy just like the man i am about to tell us his story.

The bible has asked us to carry our cross and follow Jesus, but then just like the picture above many people do not want to carry their cross. This man felt his cross was too heavy and begged God to