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Thursday 27 October 2016

Christian Broadcasting Network says Christians are persecuted in Nigeria

Nigeria's middle belt region is a growing hotbed of Islamic terrorism where thousands of Christians are at risk.

Many of the states within the region are predominately Christian, who are easy targets for persecution.

"Christians are particularly targeted for persecution on account of their faith. They are uprooted from
their homes and neglected by the state government," the Nigeria Conflict and Security Analysis Network reports.

According to the report, more than 800 Christians were killed in the span of three years. Some 800 others were injured and 100 churches were destroyed in the relentless attacks.

The violence has gotten so bad, some 21,000 Christians have fled to internally displaced persons camps.

Many of the attacks are committed by Muslim herdsmen against vulnerable Christian farmers.

Researchers say many Nigerian leaders try to understate the religious motivations for these attacks, and implement state "policies" that favor the Muslim community. As a result entire Christian families are left with little help.

Researchers hope the report will spark more action on behalf of the persecuted Church in Nigeria.

source: CBN

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