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Sunday 23 October 2016

Testimony time

Adaraa is now born again and lives a fruitful life.

Adaraa shares testimony about how God changed her life. She said

"I come from a two parent loving Godly home that encouraged all things Godly. But as you can see in the picture to the left that didn't really mean much because I ended up 'doing me.' and everything that was taught against. I had to discover God for me and I did after heartbreak , heartache , low self esteem , validation , teen pregnancy , severing of long term friendships and more. I had to come to the end of myself so God could show me Himself. It was with complete surrender and accepting that I can't do life on my own that everything changed. People ask me did I want to be a preacher and the answer was no. I still don't 😩😭 ( I ain't sorry. If you knew the cost you'd be like truuuu) but I knew I was supposed to and I purposely rebelled until God said enough you had your fill and snatched me up out of there. This wasn't what I wanted for me but it's what God wanted for me and therefore it's what I do without fail because my desire is to do His Will. My message is to every young person aged 15-30s 15 because you're the age my life spiraled out control and up to 30s because society has a weird unspoken insidious pressure on your age group too. You're my target audience and I hope you listen. The worlds way ... what you see on the left picture never works. But God's way the picture on the right always works. Living for God always works. Take it from a chick who's done did THE MOST and can honestly tell you that God changed her."

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