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Monday 24 October 2016

Sisters it shouldn't just be about his powerful shoes says Nathaniel Bassey

The musician and pastor advises young girls  not to be attracted to men with powerful shoes only but also pay attention to those whose feet are shod with the gospel of Christ. He said

(Especially for my sisters in Christ)

I learnt something interesting from my sisters in church. And by the way, We've got an amazing atmosphere of friendship in our church.
Anyway, went to church one Sunday, and I realize virtually every lady that said hi to me kept going on and on about my new shoes. "Wow, Pastor, nice shoes, etc...blablabla..."
Then I asked them why the first thing they noticed were my shoes, which in my opinion shouldn't really be so obvious. And they almost all said the same thing. "Ha! Pastor, shoes speak a lot about the guy oh!" Hmmmm..., that was new to me, coming from my wonderful sisters in Christ.
In fact one of them said, that is one of the first things she gauges when she meets a guy. And I'm like, SHOE!
Well, We all just laughed. But then, I made sure I added in passing that also, in addition to checking out for powerful shoes on men, look out for those whose feet are shod with the gospel of Christ. That is, look out for men who carry and wear things more than just shoes, clothes and the blings, but more importantly those who put on Christ. For many have followed powerful shoes into toxic and terrible relationships and marriages.
May God help you all my dear sisters. Lol. Have a great week."

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