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Monday 24 October 2016

Marriage seminar day 1: Just before you say i do

(PART 1) 💞I'll begin this series with this statement that I often make when it comes to marriage – the quality of the individuals in marriage, determines the overall quality of the marriage. The core of your usefulness in your relationship and ultimately, in your family unit lies in your understanding of
the fact that the marriage you so desire has everything to do with you. 💞Regardless of what stage of life you may be at now; you need to know that you are the one that God desires to use to build an enviable home; in fact you are the instrument He needs! I’m not talking about a mediocre or an okay home, but one that would be a positive reference point and give hope to others.

You may be 100% single now or you may be in a relationship working towards marriage, either way, you are at the perfect place to do what is required to become a high quality husband or wife. 💞1 Peter 2:5 tells us that we are stones, living stones. To construct any building, stones are not optional.

However, the quality of every building is determined by the quality of the materials, including the stones, used to construct it. I don’t know about you but I have personally seen brand new buildings that look beautiful on the outside but after taking a closer look or stepping into the building, things are not as they seem. Something is breaking down, walls are cracking, or the roof is leaking. It’s a brand new beautiful building so why should things be breaking down so quickly?

It goes back to the quality; it goes back to the type of raw materials used! 💞That scripture puts it this way: "And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What's more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.” 💞I’ll like you to leave this first day with this thought – I am the raw material required for the construction of my home. When you truly believe and accept this truth, the journey  to 'I Do' will be a pleasant one.

Source: Cpy Family

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