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Tuesday 25 October 2016

Marriage seminar: Before saying i do (Day2)

“For most people, a glorious home excludes their input. That is, they have such a beautiful picture of how their family will look like, but once you try to insert them into the picture, everything goes downhill. Until you address the individual you can’t address the problem” – David Oyedepo Jnr.

My husband’s words have never been truer. I meet single ladies and gentlemen often, who genuinely
look forward to such a beautiful family life and believe that everything will just fall in place by God’s grace. While God’s grace is a major requirement; in fact we cannot do without it, our input is also a determining factor in our experience. Many of these single ladies and gentlemen have even gone further and have told me point blank, “I don’t want to work for it”.

My father in law gave my husband and I one of the greatest advices before we got married, and till this day, we still make reference to it. He said, “Nothing works unless you work it. If you want your marriage to work, you must work for it”. He also reminded us that a successful marriage and family life cannot be inherited; each person must put in their own labor. This all goes back to how well cut we are, as living stones (Please see Part 1)!

If you look at 1 Kings 6:7, we are told about the temple of the Lord which King Solomon was building. That verse says, “The stones used in the construction of the Temple were finished at the quarry, so there was no sound of hammer, ax, or any other iron tool at the building site.” The stones were prepared at the quarry! A quarry is a place where stones and other raw materials are extracted.

I want you to pay particular attention to that scripture; it would help you. It stated that after the stones were prepared and used on the building, there was no noise at the building site! So, as living stones, if we prepare ourselves well in the ‘quarry’, when we begin to build our homes, there should be no noise. Only peace, serenity, and stability!

I often like to say that it’s better to work the hardest before marriage, not while in the marriage. If you do what you are supposed to do before saying “I Do”, if you consciously work on becoming a high quality individual,if you'll just get rid of some of those traits, character issues and habits, and if you allow yourself to be cut and shaped appropriately, there cannot be any noise in your marriage. If there is noise, something is wrong somewhere - Kemi Oyedepo

I’ll like you to leave this second day with this question – How is my time at the ‘quarry’?

Source: CPY family

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