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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Markings of a Godly woman

"In today’s culture, a woman of virtue is hard to find. She’s like a diamond in the rocks because today’s women want attention more than respect. But the true value of a woman is eternally priceless and the one who recognizes this refuses to compromise herself to anything less than she knows her worth to be.
A virtuous woman never goes out of style. You won’t find her posing half-naked for a million likes or
popping off at the mouth without self-control. She’s not the type of girl you text for spontaneous pleasures. When you’re around her you’ll feel the sense to treat her and talk to her with decency. In fact, she may not be like any girl you’ve ever known.
No, this woman is “wifey material” because she takes her life seriously and surrounds herself with purpose. She behaves with dignity and speaks with wisdom. She lives for the things that matter and is honored in her home along with everyone she meets. She won’t settle for the depraved standards of the world because she is full of confidence in the woman she was crafted to be. Yet her spirit is gentle and her words are kind. She’s generous with her love and extends her hands to those in need. She’s not perfect but she knows who she is in Christ.
Many would call the godly woman “old-school” or out-dated but we see what society looks like when things are done the worlds way. In fact, I would challenge that we need more godly women, young and old, to be restored to our homes and neighborhoods bringing love, peace, wisdom and order to our communities. When you find a godly woman as a wife, as a friend and as a family member you hold onto her and you cherish her because she is a diamond in the rocks. The godly woman is timeless.
Prayer: Lord please help shape us into the women you’ve created us to be. Even in the struggle against our own selves may we have the strength to grow into this mighty woman you’ve called us out to be. Renew our minds and fill us with your Spirit so that we may reflect you in a way worthy of honor and praise. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen." -

News credit: vegaslady42

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