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Sunday 23 October 2016

A divine direction

I saw this article on Vanguard by Funmi Komolafe and i thought to share, please read.

"We have been able to identify instances when God did amazing miracles at night. We also identified people who God spoke to at night and how he transformed the lives of millions of people at night.

Divine Direction – In everything in life, we need divine direction. Many have made costly mistakes in life because they were not being  privileged to have a divine direction. Divine direction is simply
when we act in full compliance with the directive of the Holy Spirit.

As Christians, we know that the Spirit of God can reveal itself in many ways. These include dreams, visions or through the still small voice, but He is not limited to these three ways. God can manifest in several other ways. At other times, the Holy Spirit reveals to our friends or people he knows can relay the message to us.

For instance, a pastor in Europe was to preach a sermon in a Church  some distance from his place of abode. As he got up to prepare for the journey which he must necessarily make by airplane, he heard a still small voice whisper to him, “Don’t go”. He argued with the voice and said, “If I don’t go, I will disappoint the congregation”. He left but unfortunately, he died in a plane crash. He never got to his destination. When he died and people came to console his wife, she then narrated how her husband heard the voice that told him not to go. Now, this can happen to anybody.

The lesson here is that, when we have the opportunity to hear from God, we must obey completely. Disobedience could be fatal. Do not argue with the Spirit of God. He is the Spirit of Truth who knows it all. Let me also share the story of a  woman who ventured into business after retirement. She chose to sell children’s clothes. Months after she opened shop, customers weren’t coming.

Then one night, the Lord spoke to her telling her what to do to attract customers. She complied fully and her story changed for the better. This season, as you fully obey the voice of God, you will sing a new song in the name of Jesus. One is saying, in essence, that when God gives direction, your victory is assured.

Why do we need God’s direction? We need his direction, because as human beings we are limited in knowledge. Deuteronomy 29 vs 29 states: “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to  children for ever, that we do all the word of this law”. Do you believe you can hear from God? Yes you can. Isaiah 30 vs 21 gives us that confidence. It states: “And thine ears shall hear a word    behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left”.

The key words for us  here is “ thine ears shall hear a word”…. This is the way, walk in it”. This season you will hear the Word that will lead you out of that challenge in the name of Jesus. When God gives a divine direction, he usually tells you exactly what to do. It is left to you to comply.   How do you know it’s the word of God? First, His Word can never be in conflict with the Word. God will not ask you to go and kill your child as a ritual to enrich yourself because he commanded, “ Thou shall not kill”.

God will not tell you to divorce your wife because she is waiting on the Lord for children. Neither will God tell you to give in to family pressure and go and marry another wife because you want sons and your wife has daughters. I’ll share the story of a woman in Lagos. She is over 80 years now. This woman got married to a man of her choice and they lived happily. Both were Christians. She had two daughters and family members and friends began to put pressure on the man to go and have a son by another woman. He gave in to pressure and secretly got another woman pregnant who gave him a son. This was unknown to his wife. Not long after this, indeed the following year, the wife got pregnant and had a son too. I’ll shorten the story.

The other woman did everything fetish to stop the wife from having a safe delivery, but God saved her and she had the baby boy.T he two boys grew up and somehow, the boy from this other woman became an armed robber and was killed by the police on the streets of Lagos and the newspapers reported the incident. Meanwhile, the other son, though he had challenges while growing up, made it in life. Now, if the man had resisted social pressure, he would not have had a son outside his marriage who eventually gave his family a bad name. Therefore, it is not enough to hear the word, we must also learn to live by the Word of God.   Wonders at night –

The night is a special period in a man’s life. Going by Biblical records, many miracles manifested at night. When did the Red Sea part for the children of God to pass through? Let’s find out in Exodus 14 vs.21 “And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong    east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land and waters were divided”. In the name of Jesus. this month, October, the Lord will make a way out of your challenges. For some people, the challenge is indebtedness. Are you indebted? I pray that God will send help to you. You will not only pay your debt you will lend to nations in Jesus name.

 However, the night still remains the time for rest. Within this period of rest, we must find time to take our case to God. The Lord Jesus said in John 9 vs 4 “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work”. This simply reminds us that when we work during the day, we need the night for rest. At a time that we are resting, we can neither fight physical nor spiritual battles. It is the time that the Lord fights our battles for us. Let’s take a brief look at Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar .

The King had a dream which he forgot. He called all his astrologers, star gazers and what have you. He wanted them to remind him of the dream and    interpret it. They all failed. Daniel 2 vs 16, “Then Daniel went in, and desired of the King that he would give him time, and that he would shew the king the interpretation”. Verse 19 “Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision.

Then Daniel blessed the God of Heaven”. Note, the secret was revealed in a vision at night. When God gives a vision, you are sure to overcome . By the grace of God whatever challenge you are going through, the Lord will lead you out of it in the mighty name of Jesus. Remember the popular Christian song, “Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey”. Are you ready to obey?  Make up your mind to obey His word and your victory is guaranteed.

Very soon, people will congratulate you, in Jesus name."


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